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A fully on-chain crafting mechanic. Administrators of this contract can create recipes - specifying inputs and outputs.

Players can use those recipes by providing inputs in order to produce outputs.

Contract name Immutable or Upgradable Deployment CLI Solidity interface ABI
web3cli core crafting-gogogo
web3cli crafting

Moonstream Crafting SDK

Crafting SDK


npm install --save @moonstream/engine


In this section, we explain:

  1. How to import the required modules from @moonstream/engine
  2. How to instantiate the crafting contract in Javascript code
  3. How to view the recipes on an instantiated crafting contract
  4. How to create new recipes on an instantiated crafting contract (assuming you have permission).

A full example is available here: example.ts

Import required modules:

import { ethers } from "ethers"
import {
} from "@moonstream/engine"

Initialize the crafting contract:

const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("RPC_URL")
let craftingAddress = "0x8EA6A5EE9B9f7BCa384D804a12180473Ae4BE297"
let craftingContract = new CraftingContract(
let recipesCount = await craftingContract.numRecipes()
console.log(`There are ${recipesCount} recipes on this contract`)
for (let i = 1; i <= recipesCount.toNumber(); ++i) {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(await craftingContract.getRecipe(i)))

Creating new recipes:

In order to submit transactions, you will need to initialize wallet provider and connect to the contract:

const signer = new ethers.Wallet("PRIVATE_KEY", provider)

Creating crafting items:

let emptyBottle: CraftingItem = {
    tokenAddrress: "BOTTLE_ERC1155_ADDRESS",
    amount: "1",
    tokenId: "1",

let milk: CraftingItem = {
    tokenAddrress: "MILK ERC20 address",
    amount: "100000000000000000000", // 100 * 10^18, 100 milk

let fullBottle: CraftingItem = {
    tokenAddrress: "BOTTLE_ERC1155_ADDRESS",
    amount: "1",
    tokenId: "2",

We have 3 items: empty bottle, full bottle, and milk (100 units).

Let's make 2 recipes, a bottling milk recipe and an unbottling recipe:

let bottlingRecipe: CraftingRecipe = {
    isActive: true,
    craftingInputs: [
            item: emptyBottle,
            action: CraftingInputActions.BURN,
            item: milk,
            action: CraftingInputActions.TRANSFER,
    craftingOutputs: [
            item: fullBottle,
            action: CraftingOutputActions.MINT,

let unbottlingRecipe: CraftingRecipe = {
    isActive: true,
    craftingInputs: [
            item: fullBottle,
            action: CraftingInputActions.BURN,
    craftingOutputs: [
            item: emptyBottle,
            action: CraftingOutputActions.MINT,
            item: milk,
            action: CraftingOutputActions.TRANSFER,

Let's add these recipes to the contract:

console.log("Adding bottling contract")
let recipeId = await craftingContract.addRecipe(bottlingRecipe)
console.log(`Bottling recipe is created with id: ${recipeId}`)

console.log("Adding unbottling contract")
let unbottlingRecipeId = await craftingContract.addRecipe(unbottlingRecipe)
console.log(`Unbottling recipe is created with id: ${unbottlingRecipeId}`)

That’s it!

Last update: March 5, 2024
Created: March 5, 2024