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Moonstream Leaderboards allow you to create player rankings based on both on-chain and off-chain activity. You can use Drops to reward your players for attaining a high rank on a leaderboard.

This combination of Leaderboards and Drops make it easy to improve the health of your game and your economy by incentivizing players to engage in entertaining and productive activities.

Example: Crypto Unicorns Summer of Love

In the Summer of 2022, Crypto Unicorns created a leaderboard tracking the breeding, hatching, and evolution of Unicorn NFTs. The event was a 3-month long event powered by Moonstream Leaderboards:

Crypto Unicorns Summer of Love leaderboard

Each of the listed rewards is a Terminus token, distributed via the Dropper contract.

The Summer of Love event led to an almost 100% increase in the number of active unicorns in the game.


Leaderboards are in open beta. We haven't turned on billing for it yet; however, leaderboards with fewer than 100 players on them will always be free.

Creating and updating a leaderboard

  1. Create a free Moonstream account here.
  2. Go to Moonstream Portal and click Leaderboards.
  3. Click on “Add new leaderboard” to create one

Create Leaderboard

  1. The leaderboard view screen will have a section where you can directly upload scores to your leaderboard, and another section explaining how to integrate with the API.

Upload scores

Automating leaderboard updates

We are currently working on exposing that functionality through our frontend. In the meantime, we can help you set it up.

For now, you can set up a crawl on some smart contracts and let us know how many points you would like to assign to which events/actions.

When you define a mapping of points to on-chain actions, we run a crawler which generates the total points per player and uploads them to the leaderboard using the same endpoint as "Upload scores CSV''. It's all auto generated.

Viewing a leaderboard

Integrating a leaderboard into a web frontend or game client is very simple. You can use the Leaderboard REST API to do this.

Link: Live Leaderboard API docs


You can view the API implementation of leaderboards in our web3 repository. The natural entrypoint is our implementation of the /leaderboard route.

Last update: March 5, 2024
Created: March 5, 2024