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Entity is used to store web3 addresses (including smart contract addresses and even addresses that have not yet been used) accompanied by identifying information/notes.

For each entity there are 3 permanently required fields:

  • title
  • address
  • blockchain

Depending on the use case, you can specify additional required fields.

Entities are useful during game air drops, and to provide additional information on leaderboards. They can also be used internally by crypto projects as part of their KYC protocols, as the data they store acts as a bridge between the blockchain and physical world.

This document describes how to store user identity data with Moonstream infrastructure for several different use cases:

  • Storing users’ web3 addresses
  • Maintaining a list of deployed smart contracts (by address)
  • Maintaining a list of smart contract deployers
  • Blacklisting or whitelisting accounts by Discord id, Twitter id, email, etc.
  • Other..

This is not just a mapping between users (human-owned addresses) and identifying information, but any web3 address (including smart contract addresses and even addresses that may not have been used) and identifying information/notes. For smart contracts, the entity would also store things like bytecode, ABI, etc.

You can find detailed documentation at

Different use cases and schemes


Required keys: title, address, blockchain, contract_deployer, support_erc, proxy. Other fields could be added as additional. For example:

title: Terminus

required fields:

    "blockchain": "polygon",
    "address": "0x062BEc5e84289Da2CD6147E0e4DA402B33B8f796",
    "contract_deployer": "0xEba757cEac281D9de85b768Ef4B9E1992C41EA7F",
    "support_erc": [1155, 721],
    "proxy": true

additional fields:

    "description": "Terminus smartcontract.",
    "discord": ""

Smartcontract deployer

Required keys: address, title, blockchain, deployed_contract. Other fields could be added as additional. For example:

title: Moonstream dropper contract deployer

required fields:

    "blockchain": "polygon",
    "address": "0xEba757cEac281D9de85b768Ef4B9E1992C41EA7F",
    "deployed_contract": "0x7bbf900Ded826D5A16a27dF028018673E521B35d",
    "deployed_contract": "0xEba757cEac281D9de85b768Ef4B9E1992C41EA7F"

additional fields:

    "description": " deployer.",
    "discord": ""

Entity API

All your entities stored in journals and each new journal belongs only to you until you will provide access to you friends or team read/update/delete access.

To work with entity you need to Create an account at, and generate Bearer access token or attach your web3 address for web3_token. Then store it as an environment variable:

export MOONSTREAM_ACCESS_TOKEN="<your_access_token>"

Creating journals via API

Create journal curl request

curl --request POST "" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer $MOONSTREAM_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data-raw '{
        "name": "Whitelist of November"

Get list of your journals

curl --request GET "" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer $MOONSTREAM_ACCESS_TOKEN"

Creating entities

Set journal you are working with:

export MOONSTREAM_ENTITY_JOURNAL_ID="<your_journal_uuid>"

For each entity there are 3 permanently required fields:

  • title
  • address
  • blockchain

Depending on the use case, you can specify additional fields that will be required for your entities in certain journal. Then, you will be able to search across these fields with high precision compared to other fields.

curl --location --request POST "$MOONSTREAM_ENTITY_JOURNAL_ID/entities" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer $MOONSTREAM_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data-raw '{
        "title": "Dark Forest burner",
        "address": "0xe7f5cce56814f2155f05ef6311a6de55e4189ea5",
        "blockchain": "xdai",
        "required_fields": {
            "discord": "",
            "organization": true
        "description": "Moonstream organization burner address for Dark Forest game."

Also you can pass a list of entities to create in bulk mode to the url{{journal_id}}/entities/bulk

Get list of entities with request:

curl --request GET "$MOONSTREAM_ENTITY_JOURNAL_ID/entities" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer $MOONSTREAM_ACCESS_TOKEN"

Entity modifications

Set entity you are working with:

export MOONSTREAM_ENTITY_ID="<your_entity_id>"

Delete entity:

    --header "Authorization: Bearer $MOONSTREAM_ACCESS_TOKEN"

Last update: March 5, 2024
Created: March 5, 2024